Then I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will lead you with knowledge and understanding.
Jeremiah 3:15

Elder Larry David Cotton, Sr, is a sanctified and Holy Ghost filled man of God that touches the lives of many individuals. He shows his caring and compassionate heart for each and every person that he encounters by showing the love of Jesus Christ that abides in him. He strive every day to lead lost souls to Christ and to the comfort of the Holy Spirit. He is an awesome example of a humble, God-fearing husband, father and Pastor.
A San Francisco native, Elder Cotton is the grandson of the founder of our Church, the late, Supt. F.W. Cotton.
Missionary Cathy Ann Cotton is sweet, humble and has love for the people of God. On fire for the Lord, she serves as a mentor and leader to our youth and young adults. Her daily lifestyle reflects the image of Christ and how a holy woman should live. She is a sweet, caring and compassionate wife, mother and First Lady.
A San Francisco native, she serves as President of the Women Department of the Faith Temple Church.