I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.
Psalm 32:8
Our growing youth department is seeking Christ in self-exploration. Lead by our amazing Youth Pastor, the youth of our church are the light of their generation. Learning, teaching, growing and praising
God for his goodness.
Join us every 5th Sunday for Youth Day and at 10 am every Sunday for Youth Sunday School.
Our pioneering Women's Department, headed by our First Lady Missionary Cathy Cotton, walk by faith to reach their greatest potential. The women of Faith Temple are managing their spiritual growth in a sisterhood of love and support.
Join us every 4th Sunday for Women's Day Service and see these women in action.
Our exceptional Men's Department are solid and firm as leaders of the church. Lead by our Pastor, Elder Larry David Cotton, they learn how to be men called by God and they learn how to care for the church.
Join us every 3rd Sunday for Men's Day, where we will grow and fellowship in the lord.
Our Home and Foreign Mission Department is a beacon of light n our church and our community. Touching the lives of the less fortunate in our church and our neighborhood.
Join us every 2nd Sunday for Mission Day, we will fellowship and worship in giving.
In the words of one of our Sunday School teachers "Learning God's word is exciting, but living his word is even more exciting". Faith Temple Sunday school teaches the word of God to all levels and all forms of believers. Taking the word of God and breaking it down so that all can understand and feel welcome.
Join us every Sunday morning at 10 am
for a lesson you will never forget.
We learn and grow in Christ in our Christian Awareness class. Whether we are dissecting
one of the books of the bible or building our faith through exploration of God word, we learn critical information that helps us
cement our foundation in God and his word.
Join us every Friday night at 7:00 pm
for the essential essence of Christian life.
In service to God and his people, our Usher Board stand as sentinels of the Sanctuary welcoming all who enter through gentle instructions and loving smiles.
Come and meet our Ushers every
Sunday at our 12 pm Service.
In the pursuit of bible knowledge, Prayer and Bible Band offers spiritual lessons that help our members live a more effective christian life.
Join us every Tuesday night at 7:30 pm
for an enhanced christian curriculum .